
This blog was set up as a personal project to record my study notes online. The large majority of the writings are those of the authors mentioned in the posts.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Castañeda and Selwyn - More than tools?

More than tools? Critical perspectives and alternative visions of technology in higher education
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
Edited by: Linda Castañeda and Neil Selwyn
Collection first published: 1 March 2018

1) We need to talk about learning.
2) We need to talk about pedagogy.
3) We  need to acknowledge the human aspects of digital technology use in education.
4) Digital technologies and the (hyper) individualisation of digital education.
5) Digital technologies and the commercialization of higher education.
6) Digital technologies and the neoliberalisation of higher education.
7) The need for the constructive criticism of digital technologies and higher education.

Everett Rogers - Diffusion of innovations

Theory to explain how, why and at what rate new ideas and technology spread.

Book first published in 1962.  Fifth edition published in 2003.

Four main elements influence the spread of a new idea:
  • The innovation itself
  • Communication channels
  • Time
  • Social system
When widely adopted, there is a point when an innovation reachs a critical mass.

Diffusion of innovation relies on human capital.  Adopters can be divided into innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards.