
This blog was set up as a personal project to record my study notes online. The large majority of the writings are those of the authors mentioned in the posts.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Chaos Theory or Nonlinear System Dynamics

Chaos / Complexity Science and Second Language Acquisition

Unpredictability accompanies large, complex, nonlinear systems.
With certain phenomena, randomness is inherent, gathering more information does not obviate it.
There are similarities between complex nonlinear systems in nature and language and language acquisition.  Language acquisition is dynamic, complex and nonlinear.

Complex nonlinear systems are characterized to varying degrees by the following features: they are dynamic, complex, nonlinear, chaotic, unpredictable, sensitive to initial conditions, open, self-organizing, feedback sensitive, and adaptive.

Gleick (1987) the study of 'chaos is a science of process rather than state, of becoming rather than being.'

Complex systems are often, though not always, composed of a large number of components or agents, e.g. the brain comprises of billions of neurons.

The behaviour of complex systems is more than a product of the behaviour of its individual components. 

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