
This blog was set up as a personal project to record my study notes online. The large majority of the writings are those of the authors mentioned in the posts.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Classroom Dynamic as a Complex Adaptive System

Taken from chapter 6 of Mental Health and Well-Being in the Learning and Teaching Environment (2016).

Teacher identity = complex multifaceted construct.
Affected by temporal and transient events which fluctuate over time under the influence of a variety of factors which are internal (emotions, moods, attitude) and external (job & life experiences).

Also influenced by teachers' collective conceptualisations of professionalism, as well as individual views of themselves.

Teacher identity is both a product and process > CAS

Not only pedagogical content knowlegde (PCK, Lee Shulman), subject knowledge or classroom management & emotional aspects but also...

"interaction between the personal experiences of teachers and the social, cultural and institutional environment in which they function on a daily basis." (Sleeger and Klechtermans, 1999)

Collegiality - key role, influences culture within educational establishments and functions as either support or stressor.

Teaching demands a significant personal investment and commitment + there is undoudtedly a significant relationship between  the personal and professional self.

Geert Lelchtermans (1993). Professional self evolves over time and consists of 5 interrelated components:
  • Self-image
  • Self-esteem
  • Job motivation
  • Task perception
  • Future perspective


Teacher agency = sense of empowerment to be able to move ideas forward, to reach or to transform their professional context.  Realisation of one's identity; a heightened awareness of one's identity which may lead to a stronger sense of agency.

Lesson planning = systematic development of instructional requirements, arrangement, conditions, resources and activities, as well as the assessment and evaluation of teaching and learning.

Lesson planning requires analysis of learning needs of students and the development of a delivery structure to meet those needs.

Schon (1983) lesson planning is the proactive decision-making that takes place before instruction

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