
This blog was set up as a personal project to record my study notes online. The large majority of the writings are those of the authors mentioned in the posts.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Importance of Assessment

Effective testing enhances a teacher's instructional effectiveness.
(Popham, 2018:1)

Educational assessment is a formal attempt to determine students’ status with
respect to educational variables of interest. (Popham, 2018:10)

 Purpose of testing:
- to provide feedback about learner progress;
- to provide pupils with educative feedback;
- to motivate learners;
- to provide a record of progress;
- to provide a statement of current attainment;
- to assess learners' readiness for future learning;
- to provide evidence of teacher and school effectiveness.
(Kyriacou, 2007:105-106)

Traditional Reasons That Teachers Assess Students:
  • To determine students’ current status
  • To monitor students’ progress
  • To assign grades to students
  • To determine instructional effectiveness
 (Popham, 2018:17)

 High-stake tests have an impact on classroom instructional practice.

Today’s Reasons for Teachers to Know about Assessment:
  •  Test results determine public perceptions of educational effectiveness.
  • Students’ assessment performances are increasingly being included as part of the teacher evaluation process.
  • As clarifiers of instructional intentions, assessment devices can improve instructional quality.
 (Popham, 2018:17)

A wide variety of assessment instruments is important.

How to create classroom assessment approaches to measure students’ achievement (the knowledge and/or skills students acquire) and affect (the educationally pertinent attitudes, interests, and values influenced by school).

How to judge the quality of the assessment devices created is important.

Kyriacou, C (2007) Essential Teaching Skills.
Popham, W. James (2018) Classroom Assessment.

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